
Happy Father's Day..

to those who are fathers, future fathers, and hopeful fathers.

I went to visit my dad today. I didn't see my dad a lot growing up. It was my mom and step dad who raised me primarily. But my dad is a great dad. Growing up he never missed a birthday/Christmas. I always got a gift (yup, I'm shallow. How surprised are you?). I also got an Easter present every year (can't tell you how sad I was when I outgrew those silly baskets). Needless to say, our relationship is not as close as others. Still, I felt silly just bringing him a card today. Cards don't make sense to me. You read it, and then what? It's trash.

So instead, I brought him a fruit tart.
It's both fancy and delectable.
(the one I bought was fancier than that)

Don't know why this quote has stuck in my head all these years...
“Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad.” ~Anne Geddes

And just for the fun of it...
"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected." ~Red Buttons

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