
Late Night Swimming Adventure = Epic Fail!

Tried to go swimming tonight. I decided to go late so that the only pool in my apt complex would be empty. (It also reduced the risk of running into creepy neighbor). I haven't been swimming in years. I burn so easily and so severely that I just avoided doing things in direct Texas sun/heat. Yet another reason to pick 11pm as an opportune swim time. Unfortunately, so did every beetle in a 25 mile radius. It was awful. I was surrounded by grossness. All I could do was pray, "Don't get in my hair, don't get in my hair."

Well, none did.

However, when it felt like one got in my mouth I flipped shit and called it quits. I know when it's a losing battle. Throw in the towel. Raise the proverbial white flag.

I'm just not made for nature.

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